Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 3 Research

Using Mirror Geometry

using insert edge loop tool

Maintain position
The Maintain position options specify how new edges are inserted on the polygon mesh.
Relative distance from edge
When the Maintain position is set to Relative distance from edge (default) the dotted insert edge preview locator is positioned along the selected edge based on a percentage distance along the selected edge. For example, if you click and then drag the selected edge to a location that is approximately halfway along the selected edge, the dotted preview locator appears approximately halfway between all of the other edges along the selected edge ring.

Equal distance from edge
When Maintain position is set to Equal distance from edge, the dotted insert edge preview locator is positioned along the selected edges at an absolute distance based on where you click on the first edge. When the length of edges is highly variable, the tool uses the shortest edge to determine the maximum distance the preview locator can be moved. This option is useful if you want the new edges inserted at a specific distance from existing edges. For example, when you want to control any subsequent edge creasing you may perform on the mesh.

NoteThe distance the preview locator can move is limited by the length of the shortest edge on the associated edge ring. If the locator quickly snaps to either edge it may indicate a shorter edge in the edge ring that is limiting the placement.

Multiple edge loops
Inserts multiple equally spaced edge loops along the selected edges, based on the number specified in the Number of loops setting. The multiple edge loops cannot be manually repositioned. The maintain distance settings are not available when Multiple edge loops is turned on.

Create Polygon Tool

These are the options for the Create Polygon Tool. You can set these options before you create your polygon, or change the options as you work.

Specifies the number of Divisions that are distributed along the edges of the polygon being created. The default is 1. Extra vertices are created along the edges. You can manipulate these vertices in subsequent operations.

NoteSetting the Divisions option is not the same as subdividing a polygons using Edit Mesh > Add Divisions.Divisions makes the polygon n-sided. Using the Add Division operation creates new faces by default. To create new vertices, you have to specifically subdivide the edges only (see Divide polygon edges for details).
Limit the number of points

Specifies the number of vertices required for the new polygon. The default value is 4, which creates four-sided polygons (quads). When set to 3, the tool will create three-sided polygons (triangles). The polygon closes automatically after you place the number of points specified in the option and you can continue to click to create new polygons in the view without re-selecting the tool.
Keep new faces planar

By default, any faces you add using the Create Polygon Tool lie in the same plane as the polygonal mesh you append to. Turn off Keep new faces planar if you want to append polygons in another plane.

What is Blinn?
The Blinn material type calculates surfaces similarly to Phong, but the shape of the specular highlights in Blinn materials reflects light more accurately. Blinn is good for metallic surfaces with soft highlights, such as brass or aluminum. Because Blinn is a versatile material type and generally renders without problems, it's the primary material type we've used in these tutorials

Using Align Tool

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