Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 11 Lab 2

create a sphere and group it twice using ctrl-g. Change the names as shown in the outliner

select translate ball gp and create deformer>Non linear>Squash

parent the handle and squash ball gp

Lock the rotate and scale attributes for the translate ball gp

Lock the translate and scale for the rotate ball gp

Lock everything for the ball object

Lock everything except the rotate attributes for the handle

go to the squash input and change max expand pos to 0.01

as we are only using the factor value, lock the rest

create a plane and name it Ground. Scale the width and height 50x up

select frame 1 and click translate ball gp. move the ball to the upper left by setting translate X= -12 , Y=5 and set a keyframe

go to frame 100. Change translate X to 12 and move the ball down to th ground

go to frame 12 and set Translate X= -9 and Y= 0.5

go to frame 25 and set Translate X= -6.1 and Y= 3.9

go to frame 37 and set Translate X= -3 and Y= 0.5

go to frame 50 and set Translate X= -2 and Y= 2.8

go to frame 62 and set Translate X= 2.7 and Y= 0.5

go to frame 75 and set Translate X= 6 and Y= 1.6

go to frame 87 and set Translate X= 8.8 and Y= 0.5

go to frame 100 and set Translate X= 12 and Y= 0.5

open the graph editor and click translate Y and then frame the curve by clicking f

select the points at the peak and click the flatten tangent

select the valley of the curve and break tangent

Video Outcome

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